Kelly Lang

Concussions/Brain Injuries: 1

Cause: Car Accident

Kelly’s Story

I was in a car accident while driving my 2 daughters to a rehearsal. My 3 year old (at the time) suffered a severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Mine was diagnosed a few months later once we were home from the hospital and in-patient rehabilitation for her.

My symptoms were sleep issues, not comprehending what I was reading, inability to concentrate on tasks, being overwhelmed, and depression. No one understood what I was going through, but I was focusing much of my energy on my daughter's recovery and healing my family.

My advice to others is to figure out your new path. We go through a period when we realize we can not return to our lives as we previously knew it and have to rebuild it step by step. It can be a slow process.

Message from Kelly:

My husband and I co-wrote a book, The Miracle Child: Traumatic Brain Injury and Me detailing our family's story and the rebuilding of our family.

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We understand the need for a safe place to go separate from your regular social world, less overwhelming and more personal. Join Concussion Connect to have a place to share and get support along your survivor journey!

Concussion Connect has provided me a space to learn more about what is going on inside my brain and body, find the words to express how I am feeling, not feel so alone, and learn about and use different resources! It provides a sense of being understood that has been missing since my accident, even brings a sense of understanding myself. - CC Member


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