Ashley Dowell
Concussions/Brain Injuries: 3
Cause: Work
Ashley’s Story
I work in special education and have had three concussions from student behaviors/aggressions. My first one was in 2019 but I recovered quickly— just your basic two week concussion recovery.
In July 2022, I received my second and third concussions 20 min apart. A student (adult male) had a hold of my hair and was shaking my head back and forth as other staff tried to pry his fingers out. I made my way to a bathroom to get myself together but I knew I wasn’t okay, and from my first concussion I immediately knew I had gotten one.
I left the bathroom to get help but immediately another student (adult male) grabbed me by my hair and pulled me to the ground. While I was down, my head was thrown around a bit and I was also kicked. I somehow managed to get off the floor but I don’t remember the entire thing. I got to the emergency room and was eventually bawling in pain and vomiting.
What I thought would be another couple week recovery has now been one year. I have vestibular damage and visual damage. I’m in physical therapy and vestibular therapy for my headaches, nausea, dizziness, and balance. I still can’t close my eyes when I’m standing or turn my head too much when I walk or I’ll stumble.
I’m also in vision therapy as my eyes and brain won’t work together and have double and blurry vision. I have to wear glasses which have helped my headaches tremendously but there’s still no end in sight with my therapies. The multiple weekly appointments are exhausting. It’s even harder getting yourself to appointments that you know are only going to make you feel worse right after.
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Concussion Connect has provided me a space to learn more about what is going on inside my brain and body, find the words to express how I am feeling, not feel so alone, and learn about and use different resources! It provides a sense of being understood that has been missing since my accident, even brings a sense of understanding myself. - CC Member